Things have just been nuts around our neck of the woods.... And of course, my bog is the first thing that gets left in the dust!! I think my "resolution" for 2012 will be to blog at least once a week. Anyone want to place bets on how long I'll last, especially once the twins arrive?! Haha
I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and that the new year treats you well. I'll update with Christmas pictures as soon as our computer is fixed :)
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
The first day of school....
Oh how I've dreaded this day..... their backpacks are full, the lunches are packed, and BOTH of my babies are ready for school.
I'll admit, dropping Pigskins off on the first day was tough! He's a mommas boy. I'm wrapped round his finger. My lap misses his afternoon cuddles.... when he'd get a full belly from lunch and climb in my lap. I miss it. I miss that one on one time I got with him in the afternoons last year while Pigtails was in Kindergarten.
Anyway, we survived our first week. No more tears from Mommy, just giggles at fun stories of lunch escapades and silly girls.
How sweet are these faces?! I can't believe they're both old enough to be in school all day long. But, I will tell you... watching them hold hands when they walk towards the school doors in the morning is just about the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Knowing Pigskins has his big sister to walk him to class and show him the ropes makes me one proud Momma!
Ah, 1st grade little miss! Where did the time go?! It seems like only a few days ago I was choking back the tears on your first day of kindergarten. Now look at you, a big 1st grader with friends calling you on the phone and boys fighting to sit by you at lunch. You better watch out little girl.... little brother is there this year to spy on you and help keep the boys away ;)
I'll admit, dropping Pigskins off on the first day was tough! He's a mommas boy. I'm wrapped round his finger. My lap misses his afternoon cuddles.... when he'd get a full belly from lunch and climb in my lap. I miss it. I miss that one on one time I got with him in the afternoons last year while Pigtails was in Kindergarten.
Anyway, we survived our first week. No more tears from Mommy, just giggles at fun stories of lunch escapades and silly girls.
How sweet are these faces?! I can't believe they're both old enough to be in school all day long. But, I will tell you... watching them hold hands when they walk towards the school doors in the morning is just about the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Knowing Pigskins has his big sister to walk him to class and show him the ropes makes me one proud Momma!
Ah, 1st grade little miss! Where did the time go?! It seems like only a few days ago I was choking back the tears on your first day of kindergarten. Now look at you, a big 1st grader with friends calling you on the phone and boys fighting to sit by you at lunch. You better watch out little girl.... little brother is there this year to spy on you and help keep the boys away ;)
Friday, June 24, 2011
Pigtails plays All-Stars
Ah, Look at that sweet face! Pigtails made the League City All-Stars this season and she had a blast playing tournaments every weekend.
Her team was called the "STEALERS" and they stole a trophy or two at their tournaments. They placed 3rd in the district tournament and ended up taking 7th in State. Not too shabby for a thrown together little group of 5 and 6 year olds!
Pigskins was so proud of his sister. The night
she hit her first home-run, I think he was more
excited than she was. He's a great little bro!
Nana is pretty supportive too ;) She rarely misses any of the kids sporting events. I know she's excited for next month when Pigskins starts flag football again
There's our girl in action! Once she starts running... there's no catching her. She's FAST!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Summer Summer....
Ah, summers in Texas.... what's not to love?!
I really try to NOT complain about the heat.... it's hot, it's Texas, get over it.
We've been spending countless hours at the pool, just soaking up the sun. I'll have to get some pics of the kids in their swimsuits this afternoon when Daddy gets home and we head to the pool. Afterall, it's the fist official day of summer.. the pool deserves a visit ;)
Daddy Bean had a great Father's Day... he got a new grill, some new tools, a coffee mug the kids decorated and some quality time with his father!
I'll update soon with pictures and hopefully, clue you all in on our developing vacation plans!
I really try to NOT complain about the heat.... it's hot, it's Texas, get over it.
We've been spending countless hours at the pool, just soaking up the sun. I'll have to get some pics of the kids in their swimsuits this afternoon when Daddy gets home and we head to the pool. Afterall, it's the fist official day of summer.. the pool deserves a visit ;)
Daddy Bean had a great Father's Day... he got a new grill, some new tools, a coffee mug the kids decorated and some quality time with his father!
I'll update soon with pictures and hopefully, clue you all in on our developing vacation plans!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter....
I wanted to take a minute to tell you all Happy Easter. I'm sure I'll have a post later dedicated to all our easter goodies and cute kids, but for right now, I just want to say hello and God bless.
Today isn't about chocolate bunnies or candy filled eggs. It's not about silly rabbits or matching pastel outfits.
It's about a King and a cross.
It's about Christ filling US with his love.
It's about Jesus conquering the grave.
It's a promise of eternal life.
Easter isn't my favorite holiday because I love sour jelly beans or peanut butter eggs. It's my favorite holiday because of it's symbolism. It's my favorite holiday because I BELIEVE in my heart of hearts that my Saviour lives!
Today isn't about chocolate bunnies or candy filled eggs. It's not about silly rabbits or matching pastel outfits.
It's about a King and a cross.
It's about Christ filling US with his love.
It's about Jesus conquering the grave.
It's a promise of eternal life.
Easter isn't my favorite holiday because I love sour jelly beans or peanut butter eggs. It's my favorite holiday because of it's symbolism. It's my favorite holiday because I BELIEVE in my heart of hearts that my Saviour lives!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Ten years, a marriage, and two kids later......
Ten years, a marriage, and two kids later...... the pain is still there.
Earlier this week marked the 10 year anniversary of my uncle David's death. His murder rather.
While the man who killed him roams free, we mourn. While he lives to watch his children grow, I look at mine and wish David could have just known them. Oh how he'd love them! He loved everyone, especially kids and mine are missing out because of ONE senseless act of violence.
Watching Pigtails play softball I think of just how loud he'd be cheering her on in the stands, and how proud he would have been to watch her play. Pigskins starts REAL football this year and I could just picture David in the yard showing him the ropes. But, that's all it will ever be.... a picture in my mind.
It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since we said good-bye. We all know the saying "Time heals all wounds"... but that couldn't be further from the truth. Time makes us older. Age makes us wiser, and GOD helps us heal. Time doesn't get to steal God's glory! In the ten years since David's passing... have we healed?! I hope so. I think it's a process. With God's help, and the promise of Heaven, we heal everyday, and will do so for the rest of our lives. We adapted. We learned to live with the pain. We learned to lean on God when our wounds feel fresh all over again. We learned to trust that we'll be together again one day and that when the scars start to sting, God feels the same pain and that he'll take it away.
We serve an awesome God, and I was so blessed to have a family that taught me God's word, and guided me in my faith. Without our faith, we'd have crumbled in the wake of our family tragedy.
Not a day goes by that I don't miss my Uncle David and wish I could hear his laugh one more time. He was supposed to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day. He was supposed to be sitting in the waiting room when I had my kids. I know he was, but not the way we all dreamed he would be.
I hope someday that the man who did this to him, to us, realizes just what he took from our family. I hope he looks at his daughters and feels a FRACTION of the pain that my grandparents felt when they buried their son. I hope he gets down on his knees and BEGS for forgiveness. I hope that one day, he'll feel the pain of his actions and he'll experience remorse. True, gut wrenching, remorse. I know God forgives, and I hope he asks for God to pour out his grace and forgive him.
Do I forgive him? Yes, I do. Is that crazy?! Absolutely not.
I know he took something we'll NEVER get back. But, I also know that if I harbor hate in my heart, I'm no better than him. Does it bother me that he is free!? That he only served six years in prison for robbing someone of a lifetime?! YOU BET! But, that doesn't translate into hatred or an inability to forgive.
A lot can happen in 10 years people. I've gotten married, had two kids, and moved all over the country. I've missed David every. single. day.
Hug someone you love, right now. Call someone you love, right now. Don't let the moment pass. Pray, pray and thank God for all your blessings. For the people that love you, and the people that hurt you. Pray for peace, for patience, for God to fill you with the love David had in his heart.
I'll miss you forever Uncle David.
Earlier this week marked the 10 year anniversary of my uncle David's death. His murder rather.
While the man who killed him roams free, we mourn. While he lives to watch his children grow, I look at mine and wish David could have just known them. Oh how he'd love them! He loved everyone, especially kids and mine are missing out because of ONE senseless act of violence.
Watching Pigtails play softball I think of just how loud he'd be cheering her on in the stands, and how proud he would have been to watch her play. Pigskins starts REAL football this year and I could just picture David in the yard showing him the ropes. But, that's all it will ever be.... a picture in my mind.
It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since we said good-bye. We all know the saying "Time heals all wounds"... but that couldn't be further from the truth. Time makes us older. Age makes us wiser, and GOD helps us heal. Time doesn't get to steal God's glory! In the ten years since David's passing... have we healed?! I hope so. I think it's a process. With God's help, and the promise of Heaven, we heal everyday, and will do so for the rest of our lives. We adapted. We learned to live with the pain. We learned to lean on God when our wounds feel fresh all over again. We learned to trust that we'll be together again one day and that when the scars start to sting, God feels the same pain and that he'll take it away.
We serve an awesome God, and I was so blessed to have a family that taught me God's word, and guided me in my faith. Without our faith, we'd have crumbled in the wake of our family tragedy.
Not a day goes by that I don't miss my Uncle David and wish I could hear his laugh one more time. He was supposed to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day. He was supposed to be sitting in the waiting room when I had my kids. I know he was, but not the way we all dreamed he would be.
I hope someday that the man who did this to him, to us, realizes just what he took from our family. I hope he looks at his daughters and feels a FRACTION of the pain that my grandparents felt when they buried their son. I hope he gets down on his knees and BEGS for forgiveness. I hope that one day, he'll feel the pain of his actions and he'll experience remorse. True, gut wrenching, remorse. I know God forgives, and I hope he asks for God to pour out his grace and forgive him.
Do I forgive him? Yes, I do. Is that crazy?! Absolutely not.
I know he took something we'll NEVER get back. But, I also know that if I harbor hate in my heart, I'm no better than him. Does it bother me that he is free!? That he only served six years in prison for robbing someone of a lifetime?! YOU BET! But, that doesn't translate into hatred or an inability to forgive.
A lot can happen in 10 years people. I've gotten married, had two kids, and moved all over the country. I've missed David every. single. day.
Hug someone you love, right now. Call someone you love, right now. Don't let the moment pass. Pray, pray and thank God for all your blessings. For the people that love you, and the people that hurt you. Pray for peace, for patience, for God to fill you with the love David had in his heart.
I'll miss you forever Uncle David.
Monday, April 11, 2011
The book parade....
Pigskins class decided to go with a group theme and they portrayed "The Ugly Duckling"
All the kids dressed as ducks and their teacher, Mr. Zermeno, dressed as the ugly duckling. While the kids went QUACK QUACK, he sang HONK HONK! Because, as we all know, the ugly duckling was a swan!
Little man has already told me he want to be Captain Underpants or Skippyjohn Jones for next years book parade... guess I'll have a big head start in the costume planning huh?
I was surprised to see so many boy participants, they far outnumbered the girls. It was a good thing though... I think these days reading isn't seen as a particularly manly thing to do and I hope these boys learn to love reading and that they stick with it!
And the winner is...
This one is of Pigtails and her coach
You have to excuse my awful angle ... I had my zoom lens on and didn't have time to change!
We are so proud of our girls. They're starting to really come together as a team and they actually look like they know what they're doing out there!
We have another tournament this weekend, and we're looking forward to adding another trophy to our collection ;)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Pigskins plays T-ball.....
Oh wow. I have waited for this day since the ultrasound tech announced "It's a BOY."
I daydreamed about his tiny cleats and what number he'd choose. I wondered what his team would be called and what position he'd play.
Last weekend, all those questions were answered and one of my mommy dreams came true.
His tiny cleats are size 9.
He chose number 14.
His team is called the SHARKS.
And he plays, ALL OVER THE FIELD.
He's playing in an instructional league, and since Daddy is deployed, Uncle JoJo filled in for him. I had tears in my eyes looking at these pictures. I remember Joey's first t-ball game and it was so bittersweet to watch him take my little man out there on the field and pass on his love of the game. Another generation of kids who will brave this Texas heat for the sport they are learning. Learning to love.
During pigtskins first game, he got two hits, and four put outs. I was one proud mama.
My heart hurt knowing what his Daddy was missing. This was such a huge milestone for our little man, but the needs of the Coast Guard come first, and rest assured.... Daddy WILL be in attendance for game number two!
While pigskins was busy winning his first t-ball game, pigtails was busy winning her first TOURNAMENT!!
I could not be prouder of the young man and woman these two little people are turning into.... and watching them play ball makes me smile ear to ear. I love love love it.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Pigtails plays softball....
I can't even begin to tell you how cute this is. Pictures don't do it any sort of justice.
February 26, 2011.... Pigtails played in her very first softball game!
We lost, but oh my goodness, what a day!
Seeing my baby girl out there brought back so many fun memories. I was raised on a softball field. That red dirt pumps through my veins. It was one of my best mommy moments to date. Seeing her out there, hearing her "chatter"... I was 10 years old again.
Since opening day, she's played three more games. Last night, she got her very FIRST double play!!! She was beyond excited. I was so proud of her, I'll admit, I almost cried.
I can't wait to see what the season will hold.... to see how far she progresses, how many new skills she learns!
Mommy's little pigtailed girl is growing up!
The introductions....
I guess I should start with the niceties since we may acquire a few new readers along the way....
Our little family started back in 2004 with a wedding and pink little bundle of joy!
Pigtails was born in October, and she's lit up our lives ever since! She's a spunky six year old with an absolute heart of gold. She's funny, and kind, and smart, and oh so determined. She has never met a stranger and she loves to perform. The world truly is her stage!
Pigskin was born in July 2006 and he's just a ray of sunshine! He is ALL BOY! He's funny, and loving, and totally rotten. He's a total mama's boy and I love every minute of it. Spoiled rotten doesn't even begin to describe our little monster ;)
I'm a stay at home mom that loves to craft and hates to cook! I'd prefer our house not even have a kitchen ;) I've enjoyed every minute home with my kids and I'm not looking forward to next school year when both kids are in school and I'm left to my own vices ;) I'm eternally grateful for the opportunity to stay home and raise my kids. Our adventures have truly, just begun!
Daddy is a GM in the United States Coast Guard and he loves his job. He's a fantastic father, and a huge kid at heart.
That's us, in a a nutshell!
Pigtails and Pigskins...
Here we go again. It was time for us to move on from our old blog. First off, I'd been really slacking in the update department. Secondly, we were (once again) having pictures of the kids stolen and used by estranged family members. Drama Drama Drama!
I think it's time for a new home, so here we are!
Pigtails and Pigskins. Life with our drama queen and our rough tough little bruiser! We'll cover everything from A-Z!
I think it's time for a new home, so here we are!
Pigtails and Pigskins. Life with our drama queen and our rough tough little bruiser! We'll cover everything from A-Z!
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